Narrative Text ~ Satu lagi cerita fabel yang saya akan hadirkan sebagai koleksi contoh narrative text. Fabel yang kali ini saya hadirkan bercerita tentang kisah antara semut dan merpati. Seperti contoh narrative text fable lainnya, contoh kali ini juga disertai dengan arti atau terjehaman untuk mempermudah pembaca sekalian mengenali ciri ciri dari narrative text. | AZ Bahasa Inggris
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An Ant and a Dove
On a hot summer day, an ant was looking for water. After a long walk, he approached a river. To drink water, he climbed a small rock. While trying to drink water, he slipped and fell into the river.
There was a dove sitting on a tree watching the ant fell into the river. The dove quickly picked a leave and dropped it into a stream near the swimming ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed onto it. Immediately, the leaf drifted to the dry land, and the ant jumped out. He looked up at the tree and thanked the dove.
Then, on the same day, a bird catcher was about to throw his net over the dove in the hope of trapping him. The ant saw the bird catcher and guessed what he would do. The dove was resting and he did not know about the bird catcher. The ant quickly bit the foot of the bird catcher. Feeling the pain, the bird catcher dropped his net and screamed. The pigeon saw it and immediately flew away.
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3. Contoh Narrative Text Cerita Fable
Semut dan Merpati
Pada hari yang panas di musim panas, seekor semut sedang mencari-cari air. Setelah berjalan-jalan beberapa lama, dia mendekati sungai. Untuk minum air, dia memanjat batu kecil. Sambil mencoba minum air, dia tergelincir dan jatuh ke sungai.
Ada seekor burung merpati yang sedang duduk di sebatang pohon yang melihat semut jatuh ke sungai. Burung merpati dengan cepat memetik daun dan menjatuhkannya ke sungai dekat semut yang sedang berenang. Semut bergerak menuju daun dan memanjat ke atasnya. Segera, daun itu hanyut ke tanah kering, dan semut itu melompat keluar. Dia menengadah ke pohon itu dan berterima kasih pada burung merpati itu.
Kemudian, pada hari yang sama, seorang penangkap burung terlihat hendak melempar jaringnya ke atas burung merpati dengan harapan bisa menjebaknya. Semut melihat penangkap burung itu dan menebak apa yang akan dia lakukan. Merpati itu sedang beristirahat dan dia tidak tahu tentang penangkap burung itu. Semut dengan cepat menggigit kaki si penangkap burung itu. Merasa sakit, penangkap burung itu menjatuhkan jaringnya dan menjerit. Burung merpati melihatnya dan segera terbang menjauh.
Demikianlah salah satu Contoh Narrative Text singkat tentang Semut dan Belalang. Semoga dari contoh di atas kita bisa belajar lebih tentang apa itu narrative text, generic structure, dan language featurnya. Terima kasih sudah berkunjung dan membaca.
In this fashion my pal Wesley Virgin's autobiography begins with this SHOCKING and controversial video.
BalasHapusAs a matter of fact, Wesley was in the army-and soon after leaving-he revealed hidden, "mind control" secrets that the government and others used to get whatever they want.
THESE are the EXACT same SECRETS lots of celebrities (notably those who "became famous out of nothing") and the greatest business people used to become rich and successful.
You've heard that you use only 10% of your brain.
Really, that's because most of your brain's power is UNCONSCIOUS.
Perhaps that conversation has even taken place IN YOUR very own brain... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's brain about seven years ago, while driving an unregistered, beat-up garbage bucket of a car with a suspended license and on his banking card.
"I'm very fed up with going through life paycheck to paycheck! When will I finally succeed?"
You've taken part in those types of conversations, am I right?
Your success story is waiting to start. Go and take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.
Watch Wesley Virgin's Video Now!