Narrative Text ~ Sewaktu kecil, kita sudah akrab dengan cerita dongeng fairy tale seperti Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow White, dan lain sebagainya. Sebenarnya, cerita-cerita dongeng tersebut merupakan contoh yang bagus yang bisa digunakan sebagai media belajar bahasa Inggris tentang narrative text. Yup, dari membaca cerita dongeng tersebut, kita bisa melihat seperti apa sih narrative text itu.
Nah, untuk menambah pemahaman pembaca sekalian tentang apa itu narrative, langauge feature, dan generic structurenya, berikut saya hadirkan beberapa contoh narrative text singkat tentang cerita dongeng fairy tale. | AZ Bahasa Inggris
![]() | | Kumpulan Contoh Narrative Text Dongeng dan Artinya |
1. Beauty and the Beast
Once upon a time, there lived a merchant and his beautiful daughter named Beauty. One day, the merchant got lost in the forest and arrived at a palace. Selanjutnya>>>
2. Cinderella
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful girl with two step sisters and stepmother. Since her biological father died, she was treated like a maid. Forced to comply with the requests of her stepmother and her two step sisters. Selanjutnya>>>
3. Pinocchio
Once upon a time, an old carpenter named Gepetto carved a boy-shaped puppet and named it Pinocchio. He hoped that the boy would become a human being. A fairy heared his words and fulfilled his wishes. He turned the puppet alive. Selanjutnya>>>
4. Rapunzel
Once upon a time, there lived a poor farmer and his wife. One day, they tried to pick fruit from their neighbor's garden. But the neighbor was actually a wicked old wizard. Selanjutnya>>>
5. Red Riding Hood
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful girl who always wore a red cape with a hood. She was known as the Red Riding Hood. One day, she would visit his grandmother who lived deep in the forest. Selanjutnya>>>
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Itulah ke-5 Contoh Narrative Text Singkat yang semuanya berupa cerita dongeng fairy tale. Apabila ada kesalahan baik berupa penulisan atau pun terjemahan, silahkan kritik dan beri kami saran yang membangun melalui kolom komentar di bawah. Terima kasih banyak. Nantikan artikel tentang bahasa Inggris lainnya di sini.
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