Narrative Text ~ Fable merupakan jenis karya sastra yang sudah ada dari dulu, mungkin berkembang saat berbarengan dengan berkembangnya kebudayaan manusia itu sendiri. Fable merupakan cerita fiksi dimana menampilkan binatang, tumbuhan, hewan mistis, benda, atau lainnya dengan atropomorfis (memiliki sifat/kemampuan seperti manusia).
Ada banyak sekali fabel yang terdapat di dunia ini. Hampir setiap daerah memiliki cerita fable sendir-sendiri. Berikut ini akan dihadirkan beberapa cerita fable yang sengaja saya sajikan sebagai contoh singkat narrative text untuk membantu teman-teman sekalian yang sedang belajar tentang apa itu narrative text dan generic structurenya. | AZ Bahasa Inggris
![]() | | Kumpulan Contoh Narrative Text Fable dan Artinya |
1. Kura-kura dan Kelinci
One day in a forest, there was a tortoise that intended to challenge a hare who was known to be arrogant in a fast running match. The tortoise dared to challenge the hare because he had been insulted. The hare insulted the tortoise by saying that the tortoise was a slow and stupid animal... Selanjutnya>>>
2. Semut dan Belalang
In the warm and sunny summer, a Grasshopper played its beloved violin while singing and dancing. That was what the grsshopper did almost every day. He did not think to do other activities such as working or preparing to collect winter supplies... Selanjutnya>>>
3. Serigala dan Burung Bangau
A wolf had been partying too greedily, and a bone caught across his throat. He can not swallow or vomit it, and because of that bone he could not eat anything. Sure, it was a terrible thing for the Greedy Wolf... Selanjutnya>>>
4. Serigala dan Penggembala Domba
There was a village on the outskirts of a forest. A shepherd boy used to take his herd of sheep across the fields to the lawns near the forest. One day he felt very boring. He wanted to have fun... Selanjutnya>>>
5. Pedagang Garam dan Keledainya
There was a salt merchant in a village. He used to buy salt from a nearby town. He had a donkey to carry the salt load. There ware many streams that must be passed to get to the city... Selanjutnya>>>
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1. Penjelasan Narrative Text
2. Contoh Narrative Text Cerita Dongeng
Itulah ke-5 Contoh Narrative Text Singkat yang semuanya berupa cerita binatang atau fable. Apabila ada kesalahan baik berupa penulisan atau pun terjemahan, silahkan kritik dan beri kami saran yang membangun melalui kolom komentar di bawah. Terima kasih banyak. Nantikan artikel tentang bahasa Inggris lainnya di sini.
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